A comprehensive list of worldwide marine radiofax (weatherfax) broadcast ... at: www.. nws.noaa.gov/om/marine/rfax.pdf GMDSS, INMARSAT-C and NAVTEX Met ... www.nws.noaa.gov/om/marine/pub.htm The Admiralty Lists of Radio Signals ...
Admiralty List Of Radio Signals Pdf
In addition to information on lighted aids to navigation and sound signals in foreign waters, the NGA List of Lights provides information on storm signals, signal stations, racons, radiobeacons, and radio direction finder calibration stations located at or near lights. Publication number 117, Radio Navigational Aids, is the primary source for details on radio navigational aids.
Each publication also gives the characteristics of lights and fog signals, together with the equivalent foreign language light descriptions. Tables can be used to calculate the geographical and luminous ranges of lights. Details for all lights listed include the international number, location and/or name, geographical co-ordinates, characteristics and intensity, elevation in metres, range in sea miles and description of structure. 2ff7e9595c